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Discover The Necessity Of An Eta For Transit Through Canada By Air

Discover the Necessity of an eTA for Transit Through Canada by Air


Are you planning a transit through Canada by air? If you hail from an eTA-required country, it's crucial to acquire an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) before you embark on your journey. This requirement is indispensable for ensuring a seamless and compliant transit experience within the country.

Exceptions to the eTA Requirement

However, it's important to note that an eTA is not mandatory for individuals who are merely transiting through Canada and meet specific criteria. These include:

  • Travelers whose flights refuel in Canada while en route to or from the United States
  • Participants in the China Transit Program
  • Individuals participating in the Transit Without Visa program

If you fall under any of these categories, you are exempt from the eTA requirement and can proceed with your transit without obtaining one.
